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Friday, September 4


Irene B. Jaquays (Mazor)

December 4, 1929 - September 2, 2020

Click Here for Full Obituary



Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the NYS Park Department
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard

Complete the meal request form at under the “school and re-opening tab.” Please submit by Friday each week.

Monday, September 7th


Chromebook Pickup, along with masks and bits of other needed supplies, took place at the Jr/Sr High last evening.  If you were unable to make it, you can still pick up your student's items today until Noon today.  For MPS Full-Time Remote Learners picked up last night, but In Person Learners will receive theirs in school, once it begins. 
Photo: Waterville Central School District
Photo: Waterville Central School District
This photo was shared out by the Positivity Project, with excitement to welcome students back to school!
The MPS Tiger points out the two doors for students to enter through on Tuesday. K-2 on the left. 3-6 on the right.

Also Thursday night, the King was finally able to take the stage after wind and rain postponed the Bandstand Summer Concert a day. Photo by Don Brown II, the acting King himself. 
Thank you to Sharon Furgison, who shared some photos!

Right around Labor Day weekend, we usually start missing Roc's as it closes for the season. This year, they're still open! Until further notice, you can get your Roc-Star ice cream fix (and more) from 4-8 pm.

It's that Labor Day weekend feel out there. Summer is still hanging on strong, but Autumn can be seen and felt inching in.

Hop season is also evident at the Historical Society and the Lally gardens at the Library.

Happy Labor Day weekend! No blog post on Monday. We'll see you again on Wednesday, after start of school (Tuesday, September 8th).

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